Small water heaters, wall and floor mounted cylinders
Why choose a storage water heater?
Do you need large amounts of hot water quickly? A storage water heater can provide more hot water than an instantaneous one. The water is heated in advance and stored in an insulated tank, ready for use. With tank capacities from 15-150 litres, even jacuzzi bathtubs can be filled quickly.
Get the answers to your storage water heater questionsWould you like to have a storage water heater in your home but still have some questions? We’re here to help! Here is an overview of our frequently asked questions.
How large should a storage water heater be?
Do you need hot water quickly? Then a storage water heater is the perfect solution for you. We differentiate between small water heaters, and wall mounted storage water heater. Your individual requirements determine the size of appliance you require.
How does a storage water heater work?
A conventional “electric storage water heater” heats the water with the help of a heating element/heater rod. This is traditionally a tubular heater, similar to those used in electric kettles. The appliance stores the energy in the form of heated water. The domestic hot water is heated to the temperature that you have set. Temperatures of up to 75 °C can be set, resulting in a very high volume of mixed water being available for showering, bathing or other purposes. (Mixed water = water at 40 °C). After hot water has been drawn off, the storage water heater heats the water again either directly (single circuit operation) or at night (dual circuit operation) when tariffs are lower, depending on the operating mode.
What is the purpose of a storage water heater?
With small water heaters, we differentiate between non-pressurised and pressurised appliances. Non-pressurised storage water heater are suitable for supplying one individual draw-off point. These appliances can only be operated with a non-pressurised tap. They are used in detached houses and apartment buildings, sports facilities and commercial kitchens.
Pressurised storage water heater supply one or more draw-off points. They can be operated with a commercially available pressure tap fitting. For example in hotels, hostels and barracks.
Wall mounted cylinders can store more water and are usually installed outdoor or in a storage room.
What all storage water heater have in common is that they store hot water with little standby energy, so that large quantities of hot water are available to you quickly.
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